Frequently Asked Questions

What to bring...

What necessary items are needed for the trial class?

Please prepare your child with plenty of water (our water fountains are non-operational at this time), put sunscreen on, and please use the restroom before coming to the facility. Our facilities are not closed, however we want to minimize the risk of spreading any germs to anyone that attends. Only (1) spectator per student is permitted to view the class. Masks are required by everyone.

Regarding Attire...

What is the appropriate clothing to wear to classes?

For gymnastics and tumbling lessons a leotard is recommended, but athletic wear like leggings and form-fitting t-shirts is acceptable. Outfits that show the midsection are not allowed for the safety of the athlete. For Ninjas, there is a required t-shirt uniform that is available at the Hospitality Desk. Bracelets, rings, necklaces, anklets, and earrings that dangle are not to be worn during class to help ensure the athlete's safety.

Absences and Makeups...

Do I tell anyone if my child is going to miss their class?

Yes, please do inform the Hospitality Desk if your child is going to miss their lesson. If the Hospitality Team is not informed that your child will be absent, they will not be eligible to make that missed class up. This policy also applies to makeup classes.

My child is going to miss class next week. Is there a way to make it up?

Of course. As long as the Hospitality Team at front desk is informed at least 2 hours prior to the class' starting time, your child is eligible for a makeup.

Why do I have to tell the Hospitality Team if my child is unable to make it to their class?

We need know if a child is going to be absent so that the spot in that class can be offered to another student, whether for a trial or makeup. If we do not know if they are going to be absent, we assume they will be present and will hold their spot for them. This includes a scheduled makeup class.

CPG was closed one Friday and my child only received 3 classes this month. How does my child get their full tuition's worth? Do we get a makeup?

If there's an instance where we are only open 3 Fridays (or another day), typically we will be open for 5 of the missed day either the month prior or the month after. For example, in a normal schedule where there are no abnormal closures, you would receive 8 classes between two months; 4 for each month. If we ever have to have only 3 in one month, it will be made up in another month by having 5 classes, which still equates to 8. The classes will be held unevenly between the two months, but you still receive the number of classes your tuition pays for.

Still have questions? Call us at (626) 380-0500



Monday - Friday • 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday • 8:00am - 2:00pm
Sunday • Closed


(626) 380-0500


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